Join the Legislative Committee
2024 MNCC Legislative Policies and Priorities
The MNCC's Legislative Committee is very active. Join the committee to help influence policy and programs to support the industry. Coalition building is a lot of work and we welcome your participation.
The committee meets every other Monday from 10-11 a.m. during the off-season and every Monday during the legislative session.
Email us if you're interested in joining the committee!
The MNCC's Legislative Committee is very active. Join the committee to help influence policy and programs to support the industry. Coalition building is a lot of work and we welcome your participation.
The committee meets every other Monday from 10-11 a.m. during the off-season and every Monday during the legislative session.
Email us if you're interested in joining the committee!
Compostable product labeling bill passed in the 2023 Legislative Session!
The MNCC has been working with composters, product manufacturers, local units of government and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) to amend MN Stat. 325E.046 Standards for Labeling Plastics Bags to apply to food service products and other packaging claiming composability. We are happy to announce that after years of work, the bill (HF1315 / SF1321) was passed with the Governor's signature of the Environment & Natural Resources omnibus bill on Wednesday May 24, 2023. View New Law Here.
Adoption of this bill will:
Thank you to our bill authors and supporters!
Starting January 1, 2025 products sold in the State must meet the following criteria to be labeled as compostable:
Starting January 1, 2026 products will need to be certified for compostability by a third-party.
The MNCC will be meeting with MPCA in the coming months to discuss education for manufacturers, retailers, distributors, and food establishments and the implementation of the law.
Adoption of this bill will:
- Reduce misleading product claims
- Reduce resident, food establishment, etc. confusion on what products are accepted for composting
- Reduce contamination at compost facilities resulting in them manufacturing a cleaner more sellable product
Thank you to our bill authors and supporters!
Starting January 1, 2025 products sold in the State must meet the following criteria to be labeled as compostable:
- Made solely of wood with no additives or coatings,
- Made solely of paper with no additives or coatings, or
- Meet ASTM D6400 / ASTM D6868 standards
Starting January 1, 2026 products will need to be certified for compostability by a third-party.
The MNCC will be meeting with MPCA in the coming months to discuss education for manufacturers, retailers, distributors, and food establishments and the implementation of the law.
Bill overview
Bill Supporters
Compostable Product Manufacturers
Compost Facilities
Associations, Non-profits & Community Groups
Government Agencies
Other Advocacy work
In the 2022 Legislative session, a series of PFAS bills were heard in the Environment & Natural Resources Finance & Policy Committee related to prohibition of PFAS in various products. The MNCC submitted written testimony to all three bills. Read our letter of support.
MPCA PFAS Monitoring PlanThe MPCA released a draft monitoring plan for PFAS chemicals at end-of-life facilities in November 2021.
The MNCC's Legislative Committee are drafting comments to the monitoring plan on behalf of the composting industry. See the MNCC's comments to the PFAS Monitoring Plan. |
MNCC's Comments on the 2022-2042 Metro Solid Waste Policy Plan
Every 6 years the MPCA update the Metro Solid Waste Policy Plan. The plan is a 20 year plan. The MNCC's comments focus on the organics section and goals for the next 6 years of the draft plan. Click here for the full comment letter.
Economic Impact Study of the Minnesota Compost IndustryThe MNCC has released several Composting Industry Economic Impact studies. The most recent is 2018, but we are working to update this as we speak!
The study dives into the composting world and takes a comprehensive look at the economic impact and economic growth potential of Minnesota's composting industry. With direct comparisons drawn between recent data and data gathered in the MNCC's 2014 Economic Impact Study, these results showcase the vibrant, growing compost industry in Minnesota. |